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Last updated: Saturday, July 13, 2019 – 10:41 AM PT

Jon the Librarian Feed


new direction & thanks giving

taking a new direction (Tuesday, November 15, 2018)

The who’s who of skilled people breaking free from the high cost and complexity of building Oracle Hyperion solutions is interesting.  Two directions of change taken frequently are conversion to OneStream and getting Connected Planning (Anaplan).

To think about such change as we head into Thanksgiving, followed by the first days of Winter, seems natural. The holidays should provide a shift in tempo that lends itself to breaking free of haphazard introspections that breed human mediocrity. Careful scrutiny of outcomes during this time of shift leads to more fully realizing our own powerful human potentials. But this time of shift can be suppressed if we have not kept the foundations of a life well-lived.

3000-hour years support healthy financials, but one or more of the other  foundations will suffer. New directions are needed if we are to maintain physical, mental, spiritual & financial freedoms. In (the last 7 years of) consulting so many colleagues achieved professional success with Oracle Hyperion implementations while creating personal failures in maintaining healthy body, healthy marriage, healthy family, healthy adventures, and healthy working relationships.

The work we do requires an intense personal commitment to building systems that work and to making our customers successful without exception. Yet, so often that commitment prevents us from getting into the gym every morning, before getting to the office by 7:30 AM. Frequently, that commitment leads to marriages dissolved with divorce. Universally, that commitment leads to birthday’s celebrated on FaceTime, and more than one colleague has raised a family with phone calls and FaceTime. Over and over, that commitment shows up in unused PTO balances at the end of every year as  colleagues are unable to schedule and enjoy the time off from work they have earned. Is such imbalance a requirement of intense personal commitment to our work?

Until the four foundational freedoms are consistently cultivated, the opportunities for healthy love and healthy adventure remain marginalized. The terms healthy love and healthy adventure in this context describe a disciplined life that occurs as we devote not only intense personal commitment to financial freedom, but also personal commitments to cultivating physical, mental & spiritual freedom.

don’t complain

Maya Angelou wrote a compelling summary of work and change.

“There were people who went to sleep last night,
poor and rich and white and black,
but they will never wake again.

And those dead folks would give anything at all
for just five minutes of this weather
or ten minutes of plowing.

So you watch yourself about complaining.

What you’re supposed to do
when you don’t like a thing is change it.
If you can’t change it,
change the way you think about it.

Don’t complain.”[1]
― Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

[continue reading…]


you are almost certainly affected (Thursday, January 4, 2017)

A growing number of reliable sources (like Intel, Apple Support, Azure Blog, Amazon, Red Hat, Xen, among many others) provide details regarding major security vulnerabilities that affect modern microprocessors, and two specific exploits, called Meltdown & Spectre.

Meltdown dissolves the barriers between user applications and the operating system; This allows a program to access the memory of other programs and the operating system.

Spectre breaks the isolation between different applications on a system, allowing even well-designed programs that operate without error to leak their secrets.

Such exploits would likely include passwords or sensitive data held in memory.


getting after it

For eight weeks, I have been listening to the Jocko Podcast and finished #22 yesterday (have been listening sequentially except for #47, #93, #143, #144). I have also finished two reads of Extreme Ownership and expect to finish reading The Dichotomy of Leadership this weekend.

My capacity for excellence and “getting after it” is exponentially improving. I am looking forward more to every day every day than I have in many years.

Note:  if you use these links, a fraction of your purchase helps pay my Internet costs.

Do understand there is more to Extreme Ownership than I can put in a short post; It is changing the way I work with people and the way I work.


mastery, success, nothing less…

The North American concept is, well, I’ve been doing it for 6 years–I oughta know what I’m doing now…

~ Murray Carter, the 17th Generation Yoshimoto Bladesmith

Some treat Enterprise Performance Management that way.

At the six-year mark, I was able to put together a working system; Each year since has made an exponential difference in the quality of the solutions that I provide.

Confidence gained from demonstrating mastery is radically different from confidence gained by counting years.

What makes you and your advisory team confident?

Perhaps it is an external certification; DiResta 55 – 1 million subscribers is what that looks like on YouTube. Perhaps it is repeat engagements or a long-term relationship? A strong indicator of confidence is that after routinely considering all the options,  we call back the same advisory team for further engagements.

Jim Rohn, an American business philosopher echoed[1] a perennial business sentiment on confidence:

The greatest step towards success is self-confidence. The greatest builder of self confidence is self esteem, and self esteem comes from doing the daily things you know you should do. Your self esteem will start to soar when you make some critical decisions – decisions to walk a new road, to start a new direction, to start a new discipline.

I would add that picking the advisory team is a critical decision in our journey to mastery.

[continue reading…]


Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Updates

The Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud updates for August

applied to test environment on Friday, August 4, 2017 and to production environment on Friday, August 18, 2017

Please note that Oracle updates the document for August 2017  over time with most recent updates are at the top. Summarized from Oracle’s website on 28 JULY

Tanya Heise has outlined the August 2017 updates here

    • New chart type “Status Meter Gauge” quickly shows form values against threshold levels
    • Calculation Manager log values improved
    • Data Management will now provide option to include adjustment periods from Oracle GL source system
    • Data Management increased integration with FAH and FAHRCS
    • EPBC only, Consolidation Operator, Account Type and Variance Reporting are now editable options
    • EPBC only, Projects business process now provides Data Load Templates customized to the EPBC features enabled and any custom dimensions
    • EPBC only, Financials business process now provides Data Load Templates for Weekly Planning
    • Multiple Strategic Modelling enhancements
    • Get ready to update Smart View for Office to to ensure compatability with the August 2017 update features and access new functionalities.
    • 19+ defects fixed

    Reminder: Transition to “Financial Reporting Web Studio” as it will “become the only environment for designing and building reports”

    [continue reading…]


The Profitability and Cost Management updates for September

applied to test environment on Friday, September 1, 2017 and to production environment on Friday, September 15, 2017

Please note that Oracle updates the document over time and most recent updates are at the top

summarized on 30 August from:

here for September 2017 include these and others:

  • “Integrate business process navigation flows can connect following subscriptions (** sources for connections)”
    • Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud**
    • Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud**
    • Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud**
    • Oracle Tax Reporting Cloud**
    • Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud
    • Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud
    • Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud
    • More details: “‘Connecting Subscriptions in EPM Cloud’ in the Administrator’s Guide of the source service”
    • “Connection across multiple subscriptions when services are in different domains within the same data center will be supported in a future update”
  • Maintenance snapshots can now be submitted to Oracle for support
  • Provisioning report has been improved
  • Enhancements to the Activity Report identifies top 15 user interface requests by time to execute
  • SSO is now available with Oracle Identity Cloud Services (IDCS)
  • Addition of Copy Application Snapshot to the REST API
  • Dimension Management now allows deleting dimension during early dev stages
  • Simultaneous editing of all aliases for a member is now possible
  • Analysis Views can now be sorted to aid simple reporting
  • Ability to copy n number of rules added
  • Smart View is supported across Private Connections
  • In case one needs a reminder: (continue) to avoid special characters in artifact names, including calculation scripts

Reminder: Transition to “Financial Reporting Web Studio” as it will “become the only environment for designing and building reports”

6 Defects Fixed…

[continue reading…]


We recommend staying away from fancy online password managers so Password Safe is our long-time go-to solution for securing logons. If Passwordsafe is part of your kit on OS X (or Ubuntu, Red Hat, et cetera) this will be useful.

Install wxPython:

brew install wxpython

Download Loxodo for OS X or (even better):

git pull https://github.com/sommer/loxodo.git

(you did remember git is context sensitive right?)

To run, cd into the location of loxodo.py and execute:


We prefer to execute from command line, so in /usr/<username> create a symbolic link:

ln -s  /usr/local/some/obscure/location/loxodo.py /Users/<username>/loxodo.py

Now one can open a terminal to run:

<computername>:~ <username>$ ./loxodo.py

“Cristoph Sommer’s pure Python Password Safe v3-compatible Password Vault Loxodo is a thing of beauty, especially when accessing the same v3 psafe archive file from multiple operating systems.”

“Renowned security technologist”[1] Bruce Schneier, author of many books designed Password Safe for simple and secure password management. Password Safe is maintained at https://pwsafe.org/.

From git the source is open.

On Windows, each formal release of  Password Safe is digitally signed with the project administrator’s gpg key. To verify the signature, use this public key (key fingerprint = A703 C132 8EAB C7B2 0175   3BA3 9194 6451 5CCF 8BB3).

Posted by: Jon H. Williams
[1] https://pwsafe.org/index.shtml

SQL Server tuning

If SQL Server is part of your kit, this will be interesting:

“If you do a lot of query and index performance tuning, you’re going to love the improvements in this month’s release of the First Responder Kit.”

First Responder Kit is from Brent Ozar Unlimited® via @BrentOzarULTD



Unable to Assign Access Control in Shared Services for HFM

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System, Release or below
A right-click on an HFM application in Shared Services, throws an authentication error. The server is unable to process your request. Please have an administrator restart the Web server.
Click “OK”.
Click “Finish”.
Right click again on the HFM application in Shared Services. Assign Access Control seems to begin to work.
Logout, and back in, to Shared Services; The problem recurs.
This error indicates the EPM System was not properly shutdown during the last restart. The HsvDataSource.exe for the particular process and the CASSecurity hang and hold the memory. Manually clearing the HsvDatasource.exe process(es) and CASSecurity.exe process(es) will clear the holding memory which allow communication like “assign access control”.


Shutdown HFM completely on all servers, including the processes HsxService.exe, HsxServer.exe, and HsvDatasource.exe, then kill process(es) CASSecurity.exe.
Restart HFM.


The related error message will be like:

URI: http://servername.mycompany.com:port/hfm/security/securityAssignmentWizard.asp
Code: -2147023174
Description: An error occurred processing the result from the server.
Actor: Hyperion.HFMErrorHandler.1
Trace: Error Reference Number: {8CDD5ED5-C012-423B-843E-FAE0FB3F2403}
Num: 0x800706ba;Type: 0;DTime: 6/18/2013 7:18:18 PM;Svr: servername;File: CHITRegistryWrapper.cpp;Line: 1116;Ver:;
Num: 0x800706ba;Type: 0;DTime: 6/18/2013 7:18:18 PM;Svr: SERVERNAME;File: CHFMwHITRegistry.cpp;Line: 777;Ver:;

The environment is stable (Assign access control worked previously).
One can access all the HFM applications.
One can (re-)register the HFM applications.

Prevention: Modify the shutdown script to verify the processes HsxService.exe, HsxServer.exe, and HsvDatasource.exe end, and to verify CASSecurity.exe ends.

external links

None at this time